Neuroanatomy: Color Test (Paperback) (Page-203) / (Inkjet)


Creamy Paper…..! / Premium Quality….!


Now fully revised and updated, this leading ICT series volume offers concise, superbly illustrated coverage of neuroanatomy that throughout makes clear the relevance of the anatomy to the practice of modern clinical neurology. Building on the huge success of previous editions, Neuroanatomy ICT, fifth edition is designed and written primarily with the medical student in mind, although it will again be valued by the range of other students and professionals who need a clear, current understanding of this important area. Minimum assumptions are made of existing knowledge of the subject.

This edition now comes with an enhanced electronic version – hosted on the new, improved Student Consult platform – providing an even richer learning experience and rapid reference anytime, anywhere!

A clear guide to a complex subject that’s useful for students and clinicians alike not just for students: it’s also the perfect tool for refreshing the memory of a busy clinician” Reviewed by Dr Amit Kumar,GP in Aylesford, On behalf of (journal):Pulse